Mittwoch, 30. August 2017

Rooftop Breakletics and Yoga - Train with MyClubs

It's been about a week ago since we spent a wonderful evening high up on a private rooftop in Zurich for a special sport event. We were able to enjoy a mixed workout starting with a Breakletics lesson by Leandro Fortino who teaches at Balboa and followed by a Yoga lesson by Yogini Diana from O yoga. After these two workouts I was pretty exhausted but super happy. And of course we didn't let the opportunity pass by to take some picutres for our blogs with this outstanding view. 
With a MyClubs membership you get access to more than 200 studios where you can train, according to your daily mood and location. I will give you an update soon about where I trained with my personal recommendations. 
If you have any questions about MyClubs or you wanna start training - feel free to contact me!
I am also happy to meet some of you guys during sports.

It was so lovely to train with all the girls who where with us on the rooftop. Thanks Katrin from Sonrisa, Xenia from Power Peak Passion, Carina from I am Metalheart, Anina from Blossik, Selina from TrainTreatTravel, Solveig from ShapebySolveig, Janine, Martina von MartinaGlows, Maria, and Sabrina from Healthy and Happy for being part of this experience! Don't forget to check out their pages - all of them run amazing blogs in the field of sport, health, lifestyle and fashion. 

Contact Me!

If you have any questions or suggestions, also for sponsoring and collaborations don't hesitate to contact me: