Samstag, 31. Januar 2015

Lace Outfit for Fashionweek and my favorite food places in Berlin.

 As promised a little outfit recap from the Fashionweek Berlin. 

I went there on Sunday and the ones who follow me on instagram (@bonsoircherieblog) might have seen we've started with the Dandy Diary Party one sunday night. It was a lot of fun. I loved the fact that everyone was dressed like back in the 70ies. 

As I stayed at a friends place I was very happy to spent the time in between the shows and events with some good food and a lot of chatting over coffees. I am in love with the Asian food  at Dudu's at the Rosenthaler Place and Tosca Rouge. 
I never forget to visit my favorite Italian Restaurant Pane et Rose - it is always such a warm welcome and the food is delicious.
 One of my all-time favorites coffeepot is the Caras Gourmet in Berlin. Located in Mitte it is the perfect place to stop by for to have a little break. 

I'll share my personal highlights of the shows in the next entry. 

I'm wearing: (an outfit way too cold for the weather) 

Skirt: H&M
Bomber-Jacket: H&M
Watch: Swatch Pushback 

Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015

Stay warm

After some very exciting days at the fashion week it is time to calm down and relax. I had a little bit of a fashion overdose the last week. Mostly in a positive way, with a lot of impressions of MBFW Berlin. I'll show you all my outfits and my personal show highlights on the weekend. The outfits are the reason for the negative overdose - as many bloggers tend to dress way too cold for the weather, so do I. And I'm suffering now, having a cold. So that's why I'm going for a simple cozy outfit right now. Time for cashmere sweaters and jeans - and if you still need some, you can shop them here. So I'm wearing my VIU Glasses on again and a huge scarf to cuddle. A lot of tea and early sleep will help. 

Nach sehr aufregenden und auch anstrengenden Tagen an der Fashion Week in Berlin ist es dringend angesagt die Dinge etwas ruhiger anzugehen. Ich habe so viele Eindrücke gewonnen und viele neue Menschen kennengelernt. Mehr dazu werde ich euch am Wochenende in einem Flashback Beitrag zur Fashionweek erzählen.
Wie so viele Blogger war auch ich viel zu wenig warm angezogen - die Temperaturen in Berlin waren nicht unbedingt mild. Die Erkältung blieb da nicht lange fern. 
Deshalb bin ich momentan ganz im Stil von warm und gemütlich unterwegs. Am liebsten mit dickem Strick - oder Kaschmirpulli. Wer noch keine im Schrank hat, findet einige klassische Exemplare hier.
Passt immer dazu: ein oversized Schal.
Ebenfalls hilfreich für die müden Augen nach zuwenig Schlaf während oder eben nach der Modewoche - meine Brille von VIU. Und nun viel Tee und Schlaf.
Ich hoffe euch hat das kalte Wetter nicht auch erwischt!

I'm wearing:

Glasses: VIU Eyewear
Skinny Jeans: Monki
Ankle Boots with Silver Buckles: Zara
Leatherjacket: Diesel
Oversized Scarf: Zara

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Mix it up. How to make your basics look special.

As we moved some weeks ago I am able to discover new photo spots around my home. I found this lovely little stair around the corner would be a nice spot for some outfit pictures. Thanks to Stefanie from Bellemelle for the pictures. 

This outfit is about combining trend pieces with basics. The white blouse, the leather skinnies and the silver watch are some of my most beloved pieces. I added a bomber jacket and some rather fancy Jeffrey Campbell boots and - the most important piece of this look: a flower printed neoprene shirt. I would be able to wear this shirt other than combine it with absolutely basic stuff. The look is quite simple in the end, but with one special piece it's not that boring and you can give your outfit some special twist. 

To stock your wardrobe with those necessary basic pieces, sale time is perfect. Brands like Esprit for example who do have a lot of very classy pieces are a good address. Find some beautiful basics here
How about you - which pieces are a must have in your closet?
And how do you combine them?

I'm wearing:

Blouse: Esprit
Bomberjacket in olive: H&M
Leather skinnies: Zara

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Preparing Berlin Fashion Week

I am currently planning my schedule for Berlin Fashion Week and I am happy as a kid about it.
I love to visit Berlin. There is always something unexpected. As a foodlover I am especially looking forward to all the delicious food I'm going to have. And of course the people I'm going to meet.Is anyone of you going to be there next week? Would be a pleasure to meet some of you!

It is always difficult to pack stuff for a Fashionweek in Winter. As you want to look fashionable but still not freeze. So this is one of the outfits I'm gonna have with me for the days in Berlin. 

I'll go for some black basics and some colorful add-ons. And if somethings missing - we all now - what would be a trip whit out some little shopping? I love to bring back stuff from my travels. As long as you're not exaggerating. In Berlin there are some shops which we don't have here in Switzerland. Such as Weekday, And other stories or Urban Outfitters. And I really love the "Kauf dich Glücklich" stores. 

I'm wearing:

Ankle Boots with silver buckles: Zara
Leatherpants: Zara
Coat with leather collar: Sandro
Glasses: Ray Ban
Pony Bag: Zara
Knit sweater with zips: Forever21

Pictures by

Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015

Burgundy Details in Winter

On weekends in winter I love to visit cozy brunch places and go to museums or watch movies in cinema.The day we shot these pictures we went to a museum called "Kunsthaus"  in Zurich where there is shown a big exhibition of Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville. For those of you who are into art - you should definitely go there. I loved it. I've never heard of Jenny Saville before. Her large scaled paintings are so powerful and exceptional. 
Enjoy your week! 

I'm wearing:

Dark blue coat: Zara
Mini Mac Bag: Rebecca Minkoff
Shoes: Nike Internationalist
Knit: Secondhand (Blogger Bazaar)
Jeans: H&M
Watch: Swatch Pushback

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

Hair inspiration - Win a BaByliss Curl Secret

Christmas is officially over but not on the blog. I want to cheer you up these cold january days.

As the article about the BaByliss curl secret was the most popular one on the blog in 2014. I am quite sure you will be happy about the next giveaway. 

You can win the Curl Secret from BaByliss on the Blog! (Yes, it really is as easy to handle as it's been promised in advertisings) You can read my full article about the Curl Secret here. 

To take part you  you should be following the blog via GFC or Bloglovin. And of course it would be very nice to welcome some of you also on Facebook and Instagram

Just write me an email: or leave a comment below. 

And don't forget to enter the Philips Headphones Giveaway

I'll choose a winner on January 15th. 
Good luck! 

To maybe inspire you a little bit for future hairdos, I collected some of my most popular looks in 2014. 

You will be able to create waves like this with the BaByliss Curl Secret. See the full look here

Shooting at the Circus - a Hair and Make up School in Zurich.
Hair and Make - up:Lilith Amrad (Style Agent) Photography:
See the full article here.

Braided hair for summertime - read the full article. 

Romantic waves. Read the full article - Paris is always a good idea. 
Beach hairdo - full article here. 

Samstag, 3. Januar 2015

Soundtrack of 2015 - Win some PHILIPS Headphones

Right in time for the learning session I've got some beautiful earphones from Philips. I love to listen to some relaxing piano music while I'm studying. As I get annoyed if I can hear the music of someone else's headphones next to me, these are just perfect because you can't hear the noise around you and your one music also won't distract others. The sound is very clear and you do have a micro for phone calls. 

And in winter they protect your ears from freezing. 

As a new year gift I am able to give away a very similar pair like mine in white. So it fits the current snowy weather. 

All you have to do is to write me a comment below or email me at: .
And because I want to thank my readers with this little gift you should be following the blog and/or the Facebookpage. 

I'm wearing:

Headphones: Philips
Longcardigan: H&M
Leatherpants: Zara
Shoes: Reebook
Quilted Jacket: Sandro
Scarf: Zara
Bag: Mango

Sale Picks January

January is time for all the huge sales to start. As I don't have enough time right now to shop in stores I'm browsing through online stores a little. Here are some of my first picks at shopbop. They do have a sale up to 70%. So happy shopping everyone!

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

Looking back on 2014 - Thank you!

(English version below) 


Wenn ich durch meine Bilder scrolle, wird mir bewusst, an wie vielen Orten ich gewesen bin. Bilder sind für mich etwas wunderbares um Erinnerungen wieder aufleben zu lassen und noch einmal in Gedanken an diese Orte zurückzukehren. Ich bin dankbar für alle Momente, die ich im Jahr 2014 erleben durfte.
Es war ein unglaublich volles Jahr - mit vielen Emotionen. Es gab Ups and Downs in diesem Jahr - wie wohl bei jedem von uns. Das Jahresende hat viele Veränderungen mit sich gebracht.

 Der Blog ist immer eine Plattform um hauptsächlich alle schönen Momente zu teilen. Und das ist etwas, dass mich stets motiviert vorwärts zu schauen. Diese Möglichkeit, eine Leidenschaft auszuleben ist etwas tolles. Und wenn dann noch schöne Rückmeldungen kommen von den Lesern ist das der Wahnsinn. Ich danke euch dafür! Ich freue mich im Jahr 2015 mit frischer Energie wieder ans Werk zu gehen und mich noch intensiver dem Blog zu widmen. 

Silvester in Paris war ein wunderbarer Jahresauftakt. Ich hätte mir keine schönere Kulisse vorstellen können um in das neue Jahr zu feiern. Die Tage dort waren magisch. In Paris sind einige meiner schönsten Bilder entstanden - eines davon hat es diesen Sommer sogar in die Gala geschafft. Ein  persönliches Highlight. Das erste Mal mit dem Blog Bonsoir Chérie in einer grossen Zeitschrift zu sein, war für mich ein unglaubliches Gefühl. 

Gleich zu Beginn des Jahres reiste ich das erste Mal nach Berlin an die Fashion Week. Erst einmal ganz alleine unterwegs habe ich unglaublich schnell viele wunderbare Menschen kennengelernt. 

Die Stylight Fashion Blogger Awards und die kommenden Tage in Berlin mit vielen spannenden Events haben mich für das Jahr motiviert. Ich habe mein Vorbild Kristina Bazan von Kayture getroffen und habe mich enorm gefreut zu sehen, welch ein liebenswürdiger Mensch sie trotz ihrem Erfolg geblieben ist. 

Ich wünsche euch allen viel Liebe und Freude im Jahr 2015. Bleibt gesund und glücklich. Ich wünsche euch, dass ihr euren Träumen auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein Stück näher kommt. Auf ein glückliches, erfolgreiches neues Jahr! 

Hier ein kleiner (grosser) Jahresrückblick in Bildern mit Bonsoir Chérie. Ihr findet unter den Fotos die Links zu den Beiträgen - falls ihr den ein oder anderen Look genauer ansehen möchtet. 

Follow Bonsoir Chérie on Facebook or on instagram @bonsoircherieblog

When I am going through my pictures I realize how many places I was able to visit. How many memories I captured from a year full of emotions. There where up and downs - as for all of us. The end of the year brought many changes. I am thankful for all the experience I was able to made during this year. 
The blog is a platform where I almost only share the most beautiful moments of my life.  

About last year. I could not have imagined a place more memorable than the one I've been on New Years Eve. It was a magic start in 2014. Some of my most beautiful pictures have been taken in Paris. It is almost impossible not to capture the beauty of this city. One of this pictures made it in a local magazine this year - an incredible feeling for me. 

I wish you all a lot of Love and Happiness for 2015. May you all come closer to your goals and fulfill your personal dreams. Stay healthy and creative. 

A lot of Love <3 Marina

Eines der berühmtesten Cafés in Paris - das Café de Flore. Es ist nur schon von aussen unglaublich kitschig anzusehen. Cafe de Flore Paris - Exploring Paris

Eine Reise nach Rom zu meiner lieben Mitbewohnerin hat mich verzaubert. Die Schönheit dieser Stadt ist atemberaubend. Ich hätte an jedem Eck stehenbleiben wollen, um die Bauten und Plätze zu bestaunen. Deshalb habe ich mich nun entschieden mich für ein Erasmus Semester in Rom zu bewerben. Wünscht mir Glück, dass es klappt!

Eines der letzten Bilder in unserer alten Wohngegend. Das neue Jahr hat auch eine neue Wohnung gebracht. 

Die Bilder sind von Milan Rohrer. 

Viele wunderschöne Fotos sind in Rom geschossen worden von der lieben Steffi.

Dieses Bild war ein Glücksbringer. Geschossen von meiner Mom in Zypern landete es einen Monat später bei ELLE Spain online. 

This picture appeared online on the ELLE spain page. My mom took it in cyprus and we were both were excited about this surprise. 

Contact Me!

If you have any questions or suggestions, also for sponsoring and collaborations don't hesitate to contact me: